Saturday, January 25, 2020

"A New Heart"

"I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee." (Psalms 144:9)

  Let me never get to a place where I do not feel that God needs to change my heart, ever! We can never be there, because like an onion, there is just so many layers and layers of stuff that needs to be dealt with in our hearts. Just when you think you have surrendered everything and all is well, you are opened up to a whole new area of selfishness and vanity, something that you never thought was even there. Reading this verse reminds me of that song from long ago, the one that says, "Change my heart, O God," which happens to be the title. When we are confronted with something that needs to be dealt with, is needs to be something that we embrace and come to God with an expectant heart; a heart that wants to be made new and newer still, each and every day. It is actually a very good thing, and it should be taken as such, not with a feeling of rejection or judgment; but with a feeling of God's acceptance and deliverance; to keep on working out His perfection upon our lives. Yesterday I was reminded of how little I had let God change so many things in my life; especially the things I felt were the things that I felt deserving to keep; even if they were only just stored up for a rainy day. I won't get into the details or the particulars; but I think you know what I mean. One thing I feel that I can share, is that of unforgiveness; which is actually rooted in offense, the act of being offended by someone and the scar that is left on our heart. Oddly enough, this too is something that can be given to God; but like any other sin or iniquity within us, we must own it first. It just gets a little harder to own it when you see it as something put upon you by someone else; which is why we need our heart to be changed, because it might have been someone that offended us, but it was our heart that got offended, and it is our heart that needs to be changed; regardless of how we feel about it or how hard we want to store it up. I really hope that makes sense to someone, because it is very important that we want our hearts to be more like God's: Very Very Important! I really hope we can see that...

""For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."" (Matthew 6:14-15)

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