Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Morning Prayer" -2

"Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift my soul unto thee." (Psalms 143:8)

  As for the 4th point, this is it: Morning Prayer is what I have written above this verse; a reminder that every day is a new beginning and an opportunity to trust God to show me what He has in store for me today. Not like I don't have things already planned, because like most people, living requires some kind of structure and things that need to be done around the house or in the office. Saturday is usually my Sabbath; a time when I do not do any work, per say, but spend as much time with my wife as possible; just hanging out with her, singing and napping and telling her how much I love her. But even in a day filled with work and plans, we still need to do all that we do as doing it unto the Lord! Which is pretty much the concept here, that whatever we are doing or facing, we start each day with devoting our life to God's leading and guidance. It might get no further than the front door; but your a lot better off if you at least start off in the right direction. If it causes us to start off each morning with a desire to walk in His ways, it is so much better than ending your day wishing you had asked God for guidance. I don't know about you, but there are things that happen some days I wish I could have avoided; but if God is guiding you life, even those things might have something that works towards the good. I'm just saying, we don't really know how anything is going to turn out. Our brother that shared at our Men's Breakfast last Saturday, had a pretty good point on that, saying that even when we think we are doing someone a favor, it might not be the thing that they need. The message was about, "kindness," one if the fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. The meaning of what is spoken of in that regard, is to furnish what is needed. This is pretty much the same thing we are asking of God, with regard to His lovingkindness: trusting Him to furnish today what is needed...

"This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob's hip and wrenched it out of socket. Then the man said, "Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!" But Jacob said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." "What is your name? the man asked. He replied, "Jacob." "Your name will no longer be Jacob," the man told him. "From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won." "Please tell me your name," Jacob said. "Why do you want to know my name?" the man replied. Then he blessed Jacob there. Jacob named the place Peniel (which means,"face of God"), for he said, "I have seen the God face to face, yet my life has been spared."" (Genesis 32:24-30) NLT

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