Thursday, January 2, 2020


"Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplication: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness." (Psalms 143:1)

  A new day for some new beginnings; so why not begin by making Him LORD! We cannot begin to compare our righteousness, or lack thereof, with the righteousness of God; He is the faithful one, we are in need of every bit of God's mercy and grace He gives to us. What peace we get from knowing that He is willing to listen when we cry, not because we are obedient, but because we are His child and He loves us! I may have wrongly stated my admonishment, which I believe was intended as a warning to myself. Thankfully, God does not hold certain things against us, because there is really nothing we can do or say that He is surprised over or did not know we were going to do. David has no doubt whatsoever that God hears his prayer; but he is simply pleading for direction and an answer. Sometimes that is all we really need, just to get an answer; it might not be the specific answer we were looking for, but any answer is good enough if it comes from God. Do you know why that is? I hope you do, because He loves you more than you could ever know! No matter what His answer might be, it is far better than anything you could have thought of on your own; because He knows what is best! Why settle for anything else? You know something else that makes us fortified in His love: He knows every single thing about us, and yet, He still loves us! He is faithful at His word, on that we can totally be assured of; and because He is faithful at His word, He will honor everything that He has promised us, even to the very end. I know the natural law of give and take does not match those principles; but God's law speaks louder than all of that, because His love knows no bounds. If He has promised you something then, then it is a promise to the end. Special treatment is not the thing we should be thinking of, but that He is special and treats His children special because they are His. I hope you don't get the wrong idea, because special treatment involves discipline and correction. If we are not being corrected when we do wrong, something might be wrong in our relationship with God. At the very least we should feel some sort of admonishment followed by the shame. That alone is sometimes all it takes to cause us to fall on our knees and ask for His forgiveness. He is always faithful to forgive us, we never need to worry about that! This is about us counting on His ability to hear, based upon His faithfulness and His righteousness; of which, there is no doubt...

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

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