Sunday, November 10, 2019

"Whatever I Say"

"For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether." (Psalms 139:4)

  Just so you know, this goes beyond the spoken word; this is talking about those thoughts of the heart, the heart being the center of your belief. The Editor of my Bible, in his footnote, notes this question: "Does God know everything or not?" It is really something that we must all answer in our own hearts, whether or not we believe God is all that He says that He is! This is not just some kind of mystery or hidden thing that we can brush aside, thinking that we will just wait and see; because this is about who He is and what He is capable of doing. Basically, this makes us realize that we cannot just turn off and on our fellowship with God. In other words, it does not matter where you are, He is there, and there is nothing you can think in your mind that is hidden from Him. A little awakening, to say the least! I have "say" mentioned above in the title, because if we think it, we have said it, as far as God is concerned. If you think that He does not know your intentions, think again; it is going to be something incredible to witness, as we see those who are judged on that day. I would prefer to just accept the fact that He knows everything now, then to wait and find out that truth later! One of those that are called out to be thrown into the "Lake of Fire" are liars, along with the fearful and unbelieving; all of which are things that God knows, but others might not. I guess if you really want, you can pretend anything, believe anything, and challenge everything; but if it is written in the Word of God, I am going to take it to the grave! Do you understand what I am saying? Incredible, isn't it! So next time you are reading God's Word, pay close attention to what you are thinking about as He speaks....

"Then Job answered the LORD, and said, I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Who is he that can hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not." (Job 42:1-3)

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