Wednesday, November 27, 2019

"Concluded Matter"

"I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies." (Psalms 139:22)

  It is more and more obvious in these times we are living in, that the Lord is coming back very soon; it is now just a matter of the church remaining faithful and ready, because the fulfillment of just about everything else is done. Jesus said to love our enemies, so how does this verse coincide with what He said we should do? Well, first and foremost, God does get angry; the wrath of God is real, it is not just a mood that He gets into from time to time. If only we could see this from His perspective, because the price that was given for our salvation was not cheap; it was costly and it hurt! Those that forfeit their chance to receive His free gift, do so at their own risk, because no one is forcing them to reject His salvation; they choose so because they love their sin and darkness too much to let it go. I have heard people say this all my life, "What about those people that never heard the Gospel, what happens to them?" Well, first of all, that is really not our concern, and it is surely not something to base an excuse upon for our own choice to decide. But more importantly, God is just and righteous in all His ways, He will judge accordingly, you can bet on that! What we need to do, as people that have heard and have had the truth presented to us, is to make sure that we are good to go! Whether that might be to go by death, or to get raptured with the church, we need to make sure we are ready, one way or the other. Simply put, this is about, "Perfect Hatred," which is hatred that does not over step, and does not count them out, but simply counts the sinfulness of wicked as something you cannot stand or want any part in. God, and God alone is the Judge; He is the one that calls who is out and who is in! We are only responsible for our own actions and the motivation of our own hearts. Now, you tell me how that works together with what Jesus said, because we all were once living as an enemy of God, and the same grace that saved us, can also save anyone else, regardless of how much they sin! Bottom line of all of this, is to just pray and be thankful that you are saved, and with perfect hatred, love your enemies, because you love God and you can see where their ways will end...

""If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."" (Luke 14:26)

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