Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Found, and Never Lost!"

"Whether shall I go from thy spirit? or whether shall I flee from thy presence?" (Psalms 139:7)

  So, just in case you missed the point of yesterday's post, as a New Creature in Christ, we are really under a new set of guidelines; grace is a the center of our lives, because God gives us what we do not deserve, continually and without a doubt. You might have heard the phrase, "Everything he touches turns to gold," well, it becomes truth in the life of a follower of Christ. We are not talking about money here, although that might happen; we are talking about something beautiful happening from every disaster, something extra-ordinary that takes place in our ordinary life, something the gives God the glory from what others might see as a mess of a life; it is all about grace, God's wonderful grace! We still do have a choice, without a doubt: we can choose to be full of blessings and know what it feels like to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, or we can choose to serve ourselves and feel the Spirit convicting us, each and every day, day after day. I am under the opinion that we get into heaven either way; but the difference is in the rewards! I have heard Pastor Mike say it over and over: "You may not care about the rewards now, but you will be sorry for not having earned them." The good thing in that, if you are worried about it, is that God says in His word that He will wipe away every tear. (Revelation 21:4) If you are curious why it is that we might have tears in heaven, it is most likely the result of those who we knew that did not make it; because the Bible makes it very clear that we will remember this life and we will be known as we are known. (Matthew 22:31-32; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 2:19) The main point of what I believe is being said, is that those who are the called and chosen of God, they are assured a place in heaven. We do not know who we are until we are; but God has know it all along! Basically, the title above is pretty much declaring that to be the fact! Never lost means never ever: which says that we have always been the apple of His eye, even before we were conceived in our mother's womb, we had His mark upon us, waiting to be awaken and brought to life. But feel free to believe whatever you want to when it comes to the argument of choice and predestination. Just remember, choice is on this side of heaven, predestination is on the other, on God's side of heaven; where everything is made perfectly clear...

"I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!" (Psalms 139:7) NLT

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