Friday, November 29, 2019

"The Way Everlasting"

"And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalms 139:13)

  To that point, there really is nothing more important than this; regardless of what your situation or circumstance is on this earth, this is temporary and will soon pass away, but everlasting life is eternal; and eternity needs to be spent with Jesus! No matter what you might think hell is, it is not the place where you want to spend eternity. I have heard over and over how Jesus spoke more about hell than He did about heaven; I have never tried to personally add up the two words, but I haven't because I do not buy it, and I do not believe that it is true. He might have actually used the reference to hell more than He did the reference of heaven; but heaven is where His heart was, and the focus of everything He did was towards heaven and doing the will of the Father. After spending time together with our families, it is easy to wish for this life to continue as long as possible. No matter what pain or discomfort there might be, you can always find happiness in the love we share for on another. The two "ways" above are exactly the same word; the very big difference in the two is the words that are associated with them: the 'wicked' before the first, and the everlasting after the second. This is the perfect order that they need to be! If God can do anything, then He can surely get me to the other side! Jesus said, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21 NLT) If I really want to get technical, I could try and figure out where I spend the most time thinking about; but I might be pretty sad with the result. The way is mostly about habit, as in, how we  ask God to lead our lives and look for His guidance for the choices we make. Much like the dash between the date of our birth and the date of our death, so it is with God's leading, from one point to a next, there is a dash. Most of what happens in that dash is a lot like life, unpredictable and uncontrollable. But one thing is for certain: He was with us at the beginning, and He will be with us at the end; we must continue to abide in Christ through the thick and thin...

"As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him." (Colossians 2:6)

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