Monday, November 25, 2019

"To Be Told"

"For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain." (Psalms 139:20)

  If only we could see this from God's perspective, maybe we might be a little more bold in the way we share the truth with those that are lost. For is a lot like therefore, it requires us to look back and see how the last verse, or set of verses, might apply. In this case, David is speaking about the reason why God will slay the wicked, because they have absolutely no respect for Him, whatsoever! To the point of yesterday's post, we have got to be abundantly thankful that God has chosen us, those of us that are called His children; because if not for that, a whole different story would be in our horizon! I know, it might seem pretty complicated and hard to figure out; like, why is it that God might choose some people over others? To some, the point is really not all that concerning; as long as they are counted among the Saints, all is good and who cares about the ones that are left out. Well, maybe there is a little sympathy in Heaven; because it is for the lost that Jesus came and died for; which, in case you might have forgotten, was you and I. Looking back to the last verse, the "wicked" are those that are guilty and hostile to God. They are that way for one reason and only one reason, because they love the darkness rather than the Light! They speak out wickedly, much as someone that might be enjoying some rest in a darkened room, and someone opened the door and flipped on the light. Is it just a reaction? Not really; it is the condition of their heart: a hard heart does not like to be changed or softened! Yes, that is exactly what happens, the heart gets changed! If there is one thing I want to share about being thankful for this week, it is that God changes our heart! Again, Pastor Bryan mentioned something yesterday in church, that we must own every single sin or flaw, because if we do not own it, then we cannot give it away! O Lord, please help me to love you more...

"Serve the LORD with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities -for his anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in him!" (Psalms 2:11-12) NLT

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