Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Perfect Protection"

"The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: the mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." (Psalms 138:8)

   There are days when it seems God would have us to sit still, while other days are more about being excited for all He has done; then you have days like today, when it seems God needs our attention. That word, "perfect," might not be the motivation that we need to grab our attention, but it should be enough to make us feel protected, in spite of our own failures and difficulties in staying focused upon the Lord. There are none of us that are perfect, so the point of being discouraged by the mistakes we have made, just seems so unjustified; especially after all that God has done to make us justified! This is the point I believe we need to take away from this, that He does not give up on us! This is what we must walk in, the realization that God will complete that work which He has begun in us, because it is His work, not our work! I heard a little message yesterday that was a newbie, one that I had never quite heard before; and if I had, I wasn't paying attention. It was about God's order of doing things, that He does not just do everything at once. The example was that of creation, where the Pastor said, "He could have created everything all at the same time, but He did not; instead, He created everything in a specific order and with intent," or something to that effect. Then he said what we all have to realize and come to terms with: that God saved us in an instant, but He perfects us over time! It is precisely this realization that perfects our protection; not that God will do anything different based upon what we might think, but we will! I might not understand everything that is going on, but if I believe God is protecting me, then I really don't need to worry about what I do not know; I just need to focus upon Him and know that He loves me! We don't change God's view of us, because He does not change; we can only change our view of God; and in this case, it is personal! That is probably the most important fact that we have available to us, is that He personally is concerned about you and me! You see how God gets your attention: He calls you by name...

"Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator." (1 Peter 4:19)

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