Tuesday, January 8, 2019


"Thou art good, and doest good: teach me thy statutes." (Psalms 119:68)

 Since we are still on the subject of teeth, why not talk about the way we keep them strong and straight. I cannot speak to every circumstance that you might be going through, but what I can do is share with you what I know, and you can find a way to work it into your own situation. Before my wife had her operation, our lives were pretty typical. We golfed together almost three times a week, prayed together daily, and had an okay relationship together in bed. If there was one thing that I had wished we did better, it would be to serve more together in the church. As it was, I was serving in the church more than I was sharing time with her. Except for the times when we would leave town together, work and church took up most of my waking time of almost every day. Saturday was the day I usually devoted to family; however, we just started a Coffee House, and Saturday became a day of working on that for a good eight hours or so. Then, when she suffered her so called stoke, all the I had taken for granted was lost. The simple little things like talking together and sharing our hearts with one another, were totally taken away; it was as if, as far as that kind of relationship was, it was gone for good. But God has blessed me beyond anything I could have ever expected, because in my love for her through all of this, I have learned to love her without any conditions or expectations. That might not seem real important to some, at least not until it is something you need to actually live out on your own. Will God heal my wife? I am absolutely positively certain that He will! It might not be in this life, but it will happen, of that I am sure. He has given me His word, and as far as I am concerned, His word is more than enough to satisfy my belief in the fact that it is going to happen. How and when, that's on Him to deal with; as for me, I must just continue to do what I promised to do; to love and cherish her until death do us part. When it comes to God's statutes, as mentioned before, those are His prescribed laws or ordinances; there are certain laws which might be more specific than others, depending on the situation or circumstance. My advice to you, in whatever you might be going through, is to ask Him what He wants you to do, and then do that with all your heart. As for me, my task was simple, to love my wife, just as Christ loves me. As broken as I might be, He still loves me more and more every day. The closer I get towards heaven, the more I feel that He loves me; as broken as I am, He loves me more...

"O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. Listen closely to my prayer, O LORD; hear my urgent cry. I will call to you whenever I'm in trouble, and you will answer me." (Psalms 86:5-7) NLT

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