Tuesday, January 15, 2019

"Counting Upon The LORD"

"I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me." (Psalms 119:75)

  Whether we are doing what we feel God is leading us to do, or we are doing what we have been told to do by those that are over us, everything is done as unto the LORD. Here is the thing about being the property of Jesus Christ, all you time is His! The word for "afflicted" is a word that speaks of, "To bestow labour upon anything, To exercise oneself in anything." If you will, this is part of the curse that God put upon Adam, "To till the ground, with resistance!" Nothing comes easy and without some sort of sacrifice, not even the work we might do for the LORD; no, especially the work that we do for the LORD! Pick a character, any character from the Bible that was called to serve God, see if they did not have some sort of affliction or resistance in their labor to do what God put upon their hearts. Even the most famous of the Old Testament, Moses; he had so much resistance, even his own people were wishing he had not come to deliver them from Egypt. In this picture, we can become familiar with what it takes to serve God, to have resolve! What that means, for those that might not get it, is that you known what you are meant to do, and you do it, diligently and regardless of the opposition. If it is something that God has led you into doing, then any affliction or resistance is meant to benefit the work, whether that is in you or in the process. You are never the only one that matters in what you do; everything you do is for the LORD, and in that regard, your life must be a living sacrifice. If you cannot see that, then think about what happen to Moses when he mattered more than the people: he stuck the rock instead of just speaking to it, as he was told, saying, "Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?" (Numbers 20:10) It can never be about us, it is always about the LORD! If this were fashioned into a law of doing, then it would about counting upon God's judgments, which means to leave the process up to Him! He is the brains in the adventure, not us...

"The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands. For the honor of your name, O LORD, forgive my many, many sins. Who are those that fear the LORD? He will show them the path they should choose." (Psalms 25:10-12) NLT

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