Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"To Be Unmovable"

"All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them" (Psalms 118:10)

 There are some things that require us to take a stand, whether it is popular or not, it is a matter of what is right. There was a good lesson to be learned from the recent events here in American politics; whatever side that you might be on, you stand up for what is right and you do not back down! For way too long the silent majority has taken it on the chin and played nice; even at the sake of loosing some of their rights to be heard. I think you know what I am talking about. I don't know when it was, or if it even happened yet, but there was a day that believing children were encouraged to bring their Bibles to school, a, "Take Your Bible to School Day." I saw the commercial only one time, but that was the last I heard about it. How we even got to the place where offending one person could result in your rights being taken, or a memorial taken down, or a religious symbol to be removed; whatever happen to fairness and real civility? To even begin to understand where we went wrong, we only need to see where God is in the whole process. Seriously, where is He in our schools, in our local governments, in our politics and discussions regarding the rule of law? If God is not the standard for the rule of law, then who gets to decide what is right and wrong? When did we get to the point where the nuts are running the asylum? Our public schools are a good example of what I am taking about, as they have become less about learning and more about molding. I had wood shop in Jr. High School; in seventh grade I was learning how to make things out of wood. Now the projects are signs and banners for the resistance, or whatever other march or protest is popular. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a complainer, because I am quite aware that it is only going to get worse; all that I am saying is that we need to get better! The worse the world around us becomes, the more that our light needs to shine. There needs to be a standard that remains visible for all to see, and that Standard is Jesus Christ! If the name of Jesus is lifted higher, then everything will make better sense...

""On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves."" (Zechariah 12:3) NLT

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