Thursday, October 4, 2018

"God is Bigger!"

"I called upon the LORD in my distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place." (Psalms 118:5)

 As far a challenges go, there is hardly anything that I can face that is as scary as a fiery furnace. I might have some trials to deal with; right now, it is dealing with taxes. But seriously, what is that very little trial compared to what those three young men faced? I can totally relate to what David is speaking of here, because I have lived in this experience, time and time again. This is what we might commonly refer to as perspective; the view of our current problems in comparison to the bigness of Almighty God. In case you might not know it, perspective is a noun, because it is a place, a thing, and in the case of God, it is a Person! All God needs to do, is remind us He is there, and all of our issues get put into their proper place. Just like that, our problems are no longer larger than that which can be handled, because God can handle anything! Much like Peter trying out the walking on the water thing, our perspective can be changed in an instant; almost as easy as looking away and taking our eyes off of the Lord. Isn't that what causes us to stumble, over and over? Just the simple act of not living as though God is right there, walking with you, and watching over everything you do; it is enough to make us feel independent and free to do whatever we want. But, let there be a little issue, whether it is financial or physical, and instantly we need to readjust our way of living. It is like one of those, "I am a child of the KING," moments. It is where we realize that what we have been doing does not represent who we are, or what kind of power is watching over us. If we truly want God to be bigger than any problem we might be facing, then He needs to be big enough to submit our life to. It really is all about our own personal perspective...

"David was now in great danger because all of his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk about stoning him. But David found strength in the LORD his God. Then he said to Abiathar the priest, "Bring me the Ephod!" So Abiathar brought it. Then David asked the LORD, "Should I chase after this band raiders? Will I catch them?" And the LORD told him, "Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!"" (1 Samuel 30:6-8) NLT

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