Saturday, August 13, 2016

"What a Spectacle"

"Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? Let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed." (Psalms 79:10) If only we could see things through God's eyes, maybe we could better understand how it all works out. Usually the person who gets the most attention is the one who gets spoiled or thinks they have something special that others don't, like some kind to preferential treatment. I guess it only really matters how it all turns out in the end, but do you really think King Saul will be in heaven? I hope that he is, because there are plenty of people that I know who started off very well, but ended up messing up and died in the process. When you think about what is implied here in this verse, it would appear God's honor is being put into question. God's honor can never be questioned, not by the condition of mankind, or by any other spectacle that it displayed upon this earth. Man's honor is what comes into question, as in, What kind of a god do they believe in? or Where is their faith? Here is a really good example of what this might look like, it is Jesus hanging on the cross. As he was hanging there, the religious leaders mocked Him, saying, "Where is his God now?" "If he were truly the Son of God, then let him take himself off that cross!" What they did not see, they could not see; because there was something very spectacular happening right before their eyes! In the midst of His suffering and pain, He was working the greatest work He had to date. All the other miracles and signs that He had done, none would hold a candle to what He did on the cross. Yet, they could not see it. What they saw was only punishment and cruelty on display; but what they did not see was deliverance and redemption on display...
""Listen in silence before me, you lands beyond the sea. Bring your strongest arguments. Come now and speak. The court is ready for your case. Who has stirred up this king from the east, rightly calling him to God's service? Who gives this man victory over many nations and permits him to trample their kings underfoot? With his sword, he reduces armies to dust. With his bow, he scatters them like chaff before the wind. He chases them away and goes on safely, though he is walking over unfamiliar ground. Who has done such mighty deeds, summoning each new generation from the beginning of time? It is I, the LORD, the First and the Last. I alone am he." (Isaiah 41:1-4) NLT

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