Sunday, August 28, 2016

"Basic Instinct"

"The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like goodly cedars."  (Psalms 80:10) I guess you could say that I like to spiritualize the Text; not that I have not ever been accused of that, because I have, and I will wear that with honor. And why not? We are still talking about the "vine" that God has planted, so why not see where this vine grows? Or how it grows, might be the better question. Before I was a Christian I believed in God; I even read the Bible quite often, and even tried to study the Scriptures. But there was something missing in my life, something that I really had no idea what it was, it just was not there. Religion is pretty much man's why of trying to express his belief in God; but a religious man does not always have a relationship with God, it's just something they are trying to establish on their own, in their own ways. There was always something of a disconnected between me and God, and I knew that; not only did I know it, but I assumed that it was meant to be that way; after all, what am I that I could have fellowship with God? I prayed to God quite often; even though I did not think we could have fellowship, I still believed He was big enough to hear my prayers. Hey, if that's not you, don't let it bother you; I was a weirdo on drugs, so I did a lot of strange things to try and experience God; little did I know at the time, I was having fellowship with the wrong god! I guess the point I am trying to make, is that when you get right dome to it, we are all religious to a certain degree. People who say that they aren't, don't really understand what it is that they believe in; because even an atheist is a religious person; it takes a lot more faith to believe that there is not a God, than it does to convince yourself that there isn't. The theory of evolution is a joke, yet look at what they have grabbed hold of to teach to our children; you can't tell me that is not a religion, because I tell you it is, straight from the pit of hell. We were created to worship, so isn't odd how the powers to be have settled into worshipping the earth? No, it's actually not that odd at all; it's only fitting, seeing who it is that is god of this earth...
"Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. "I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them," the devil said, "because they are mine to give to anyone I please. I will give it all to you if you will worship me." Jesus replied, "The Scriptures say, 'You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him.'" (Luke 4:5-8) NLT

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