Thursday, August 11, 2016

"The Meeting Place" -2

"O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us; for we are brought very low." (Psalms 79:8) If you like numbers, then the number 8 stands out as the one that represents new beginnings, or so I have heard. Regardless, this verse marks something of a turning point within this whole "Sorrow Over Jerusalem" saga, because it takes time to consider the cause. What is the cause of the destruction? Better yet, what will be the result? When we look at the Bible from the point of instruction, we can determine right away that the commandments of God are not something we are good at following or able to keep. Basically the law was there to show us how much we need to be rescued, not to make us follow them; although they should be followed, it's just that we fail so miserably when we try, if we even try at all. That's where the love of God comes in. God loves us so much, His love demands our respect and commitment. If I had to put it into words, the center part of the verse above might somewhat describe what I am talking about: "let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us." It's that come to Jesus kind of experience, the kind where you just know deep down in your heart that you are so special to God and that He loves you so much, it just blows your mind! That's the experience we need to seek day after day; considering our failures and sinful desires, we reflect upon the fact that He loves us so much that He went out of His way to make it possible for us to have fellowship with Him. That is amazing! Fellowship with the Eternal God! And above all else, the fellowship that we have with Him is based upon His love for us, not our love for Him. In other words, we get to enter into His love, which is a place where all of our issues are dealt with; all of our impurities are made pure, and all of or iniquities are dissolved in an instant; a place where real love is established in our hearts, and we can actually worship the Creator of our souls...
"This is real love -not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." (1 John 4:10) NLT 

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