Monday, August 15, 2016

"Sigh of Appointment"

"Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve those that are appointed to die;" (Psalms 79:11) Good enough is alright by me; what say you? No, you're right; I don't want to be found good enough, I want to be great! I think we all would like to be found doing extraordinary things for God; isn't that what it's really all about, God using ordinary people to do extraordinary things? Yes, but do you want to know why? Because they chose to show up to be used by God! That's right, they just showed up and allowed God to use them. That is what we are meant for, to be used by God to perform His special purpose in our lives, so that He can perform His special purpose in the lives of others. We don't really get to choose what God's special purpose is, that's what makes it seem so difficult sometimes; and sometimes, it's downright painful! But if you are a tool in the hand of God, there are times when you get put to work, and the work sometimes requires your resistance to be tested. Having been in construction for most of my life, I know how it is to use the right tool for the job, and how it can be using the wrong one; it's all about time, the wrong tool takes for ever, but the right tool gets it done, quick and easy. Obviously, that's not the case in us! Oh, we might think it's the case, and we might say, "I'm not that person" or "I can't do that," but it does not work that way in the Lord's service department. If you have not noticed, these last couple of day's closing verses are speaking about something extraordinary, God's doing! Yes, it's He that does the work! It doesn't matter what you are or what you have been through, God can use you just as you are, you just need to show up...
"See, all your enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who tried to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I will hold you by your right hand -I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Don't be afraid. I am here to help you. Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob, don't be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you. I am the LORD, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.' You will be a new threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains. You will toss them into the air, and the wind will blow them all away; a whirlwind will scatter them. Then you will rejoice in the LORD. You will glory in the Holy One of Israel." (Isaiah 41:11-16) NLT

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