Friday, May 25, 2012

"...Your Lot..."

"Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup." (Psalms 11:6) Something else that my mother would say, was, You made your bed, now sleep in it. I remember thinking about this saying as I went to sleep one night while camping; as I had gathered pine needles from the surrounding area to make a mattress to lay my sleeping bag on, thinking that it would provide cushion from the ground; which might have been good if the bag was about 3" thick, because it took me at least an hour to get use to the feel of pine needles! When you think of lot, as in your lot in life; which many might associate with destiny or chance; however, when it comes to the difference between salvation or damnation, a 'lot' is determined by the choice that we make! Moreover; if you have a choice that has been set before you, then I would gather by that, that you have been given a choice!!! If you have been given a choice, then you have a chance to change your destiny! As I was looking at the meaning of "portion of their cup", I was quick to notice something about the meaning of 'cup', and how it represents something used to gather something together, like a purse might be used, or a cup is used to hold liquid together. After having envisioned this, I thought about what Jesus spoke concerning the wheat and the tares, and how that at the time of the harvest, the angels would then separate the wheat from the tares, gathering the tares together to be burned. This led me to my next thought, which was about the choices that we have, and how it is said, how that we have so many choices in life; yet, I only see two: to be gathered for the kingdom, or to be gathered to be burned...

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