Monday, May 7, 2012

"The Shallow Heart"

"He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doeth catch the poor, when he draweth them into his net." (Psalms 10:9) When reading this verse, you could really get the impression that David was speaking of the devil, and they way he is like a lion waiting to devour us; but these are the actions of man and his wicked intentions. Although sometimes brought on by the very nature of the devil, for he is the father of lies and wickedness, this is speaking of the deepest darkest areas within our heart, and no matter how hard we might try, this darkness can surface to the top and be what becomes us, if our hearts are not made new. I heard a brief report on the news the other day, that said some observed a black whole swallow up a star; which I thought was interesting, but never really heard anything else about it. In a way, that is the way wickedness works within our lives; because anything which is light and truth, can be swallowed up in the darkness of our heart. This verse that David is expressing in song, could very well be speaking of Saul as he was waiting in a cave to ambush David; however, Saul did not catch David, David caught him. If I did not know any better, I would think David was speaking of a split personality, as if there were two people living within one. I guess it could be possible, if you were to consider the wickedness of man to be an entity; one which lay in wait within the darkness of the heart, for such a time that anything which is light that enters in, will be immediately swallowed up. It's the poor that takes me back, and makes me think twice about such a scenario; because the poor represents the needy, humble, and those that are in need of piety. However; this could actually work, and very well could be an illustration of how the heart captures a humble spirit, swallows it up, and then brings forth something which is dark and selfish. On the other hand; we have the nature of sin, and that which draws us into a net of destruction! If you are familiar with the way sin works, as most of us probably are, then you should know how sin will lay there in wait, just as a lion in his den waits for his prey to walk by, and then springs out to get it. It is that sin nature which is us that causes us to sin; mostly referred to as the flesh, and that which wars against the spirit; but it is sin which the flesh feeds upon, and which the flesh is satisfied by; however, the flesh is never satisfied, but is driven to be satisfied by sin; therefore, there is a vicious cycle that can occur within our hearts; one which acts just as this verse describes, as a lion in his den, who draws into his net those that least expect it; and then the hunger begins to try and be satisfied...  

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