Monday, May 21, 2012


"For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart." (Psalms 11:2) The meaning of bewildered goes a little further than discouraged, in that it includes confusion in the mix of things; taking on the questions of why and what for, as in, Why is this happening? However, it is not the character of trust to be bewildered by Him who trust is in; just the opposite should be the case in the heart of the believer, because how can we be confused at the same time we are trusting? Bewildered is best meant for those that might be looking upon the one who is trusting God, and saying, How is that they trust God with all this affliction in their life? They scratch their head and wonder if there might be more to be seen than meets the eye; to which, we know that there always is! Primarily, the difference between these two points of view is all about God's power to overcome any and all obstacles that might get in the way of His promises. To some, without realizing their failure to trust, they question if God will do this or that  in order to facilitate His plan; when in reality, God's ways are not our ways; therefore, how can we, from our position, assume that we know His plan and how it will all play out? With that said, there is also still a question of why which must be asked; not for the sake of not trusting, but for the sake of knowing why it is so. The word "privily" is a word that has a double meaning; primarily it means to ambush, but it also means 'and what for' or 'for whatever reason'. In the case of Saul wanting to kill David, the obvious reason was that of jealousy; being driven by the green monster, he was really no longer in control. With that; what do you suppose drives the devil to "shoot at the upright in heart"? Jealousy may very well be that which drives his desire to destroy those who have committed their hearts to the Lord; but is it because he did not, or because God choose us? When it comes to discouragement, I can tell you from my own person experience, that it is something which can happen often; not that there is really anything wrong with it, because it causes us to look up, take a breath, and then confirm our trust in God. However; when it becomes bewilderment, that is when we get into trouble; not only are we discouraged, but then we begin questioning God's reason for using us, and why He would even do such a thing, or for what reason am I even here. The devil loves to play upon our discouragement; taking it to the next level, and causing us to question our worthiness to serve God; which is real easy to do, seeing that we do not see what God sees! God sees a vessel to be used for His kingdom; as the Master Potter, He molds and makes us as He wishes; taking away a little here, adding a little there; until we are the vessel that He desires us to be; not by our desire, but by His..."But now, O LORD, Thou art our Father; we are the clay, and Thou our potter; and we are the work of Thy hand." (Isaiah 64:8)

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