Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"The Deceptive Heart"

"He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: He hideth His face; He will never see it." (Psalms 10:11) If you want to know what a deceptive heart might look like, then this is that picture, painted as plain as day! Beginning with the word "forgotten", what we see is the heart of a man which says, God does not care what I do; for He ignores the things that are done in secret. Some people get confused by the thought that God does not look upon sin, and think that He does not see those things which they do, as if God turns away from viewing evil; therefore, they are not viewed by God when they do such things. Now I do not pretend to know all that there is to know about God, but what I do know, is that He can see our sin. He does not look upon sin, as for pleasure, that much I am sure of, for He is Holy; but His eyes are upon us, and He sees our sin, which does bring Him displeasure! Time and time again, God says in His word, I have seen their sin, or I see the wickedness of their hearts, or I see the imaginations of their minds. I don't know about what you think that might mean, but I think it means, God pretty much sees right through us! One example which comes to mind, is when Moses was with God in the mountain for forty days, and the people said, Where is that Moses? We will make unto us a god to worship. And then they made a golden calf to worship; at which time, God told Moses, "Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves: they have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a golden calf, and have worshipped it, and have sacrificed thereunto, and said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." (Exodus 32:7 & 8) Did not God see their sin that they were committing? Yet, how often do we think that He is not watching as we do those things that we do in secret; thinking that because no one else can see us, therefore, neither does God? Do we actually know what this does to our own heart when we think such things? That saying, "Either He is God, or He is not", just took a back seat to the sin that we think He does not see; therefore, how can we honestly believe that He is All Knowing, All Powerful, Almighty God, and yet deny in our hearts that He can see us? Is it any wonder that the church is weak in expecting God to do great things, if they do not expect Him to see the little things that they do? And then, we have another perspective that is given; one that assumes that God carefully hides His face from that which we do; as if, God knows what we are doing, but because of His Holiness, He turns away, and awaits our repentance; at which time, He shall turn back, and somehow everything will then be okay; 'Hogwash!!!' This too will cause our hearts to imagine God to be less of the God that He is, because we will somehow think Him permissive of sin in our lives. But the Bible says, "Be ye Holy, for I am Holy, saith the Lord"; which speaks about the fellowship that we must have with a Holy God. In other words; if we want fellowship with God, then we must want holiness to rule our lives; otherwise, we have made God out to be more like us within our hearts; which will not bring Him the glory that He deserves, nor will our hearts trust Him to be just. Which brings us to this final perception and deception of the heart, which is, "He will never see it"; OMG; can there even be such a thought? If we base that which we hold everything to be true, which is that God is eternal, and by Him is given eternal life, then how can it be said, God can never? Isn't never associated with forever? Yet, then what does that make our God out to be? Absolutely desolate, and unable to see that which we do? Think about that which is being said, and how it might be that we can honestly count upon a God that we do not think sees the things that we do; how can we have any power in a prayer that says, God, please hear my cry!, and yet, at the same time think that He does not watch over you! Or, do we think that His mercy can erase those things, therefore we are free to do whatever it is that we want? Therefore; we do that which we want, knowing that He will forgive us, and thinking that He does not look upon the bad, but that He only sees the good...That my dear brother and sister is the picture of a deceptive heart...

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