Thursday, May 10, 2012

"He Is Already Stronger"

"Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up Thine hand: forget not the humble." (Psalms 10:12) Do we actually realize that which we believe? Yes, we say that we believe, and when walking in the Spirit, we walk as though we believe; but what about those other times, when we act as though we do not believe? Is there such a thing as a part time Christian? God does not change, and if there is any changing that has occurred, or that need to occur, then it is us who must do the changing, not God! As for asking God to "Arise", there are those to whom God must arise to, which are those who walk in darkness; but to those who believe, He is risen up in our obedience to His word. In other words; it is by obedience unto God that we will realize His power and His might; and when we are disobedient, what we realize is how weak we are, and how far we fall short of His righteousness! My mom had a little saying, You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. This is not only true for horses, but for those that seek after righteousness...To be continued...

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