Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Hopeless Without Hope"

"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalms 11:3) As I have said many times before, I can not imagine where I would be without Jesus; especially over these last eight plus years! There are several ways to look at the meaning of this verse: socially and personally are two that obvious right off the bat. If we see what is happening in America, as well as around the rest of the world, when you take God out of the governance of our nations, things can go to hell really quick! Right now in this country, there seems to be a stepped up assault against the church and anything that has to do with God. When you step back and look at the whole picture, we are in fact being instructed to break all of His commands, in one way or another. God says, Thou shalt not kill; so what then is abortion, if not the taking of a life! God says, Honor thy father and thy mother; yet, our children are being instructed that parents are not to be honored and obeyed! God says, Thou shalt not covet; yet we have a president that invokes the poor against the rich! God says, Thou shalt not steal; this has gotten ridiculous, because well intent people steal every day, thinking that if it's available for the taking, then why not get mine! God says, Thou shalt not commit adultery; wow, I am pretty sure we have went past this one, long ago! God says, Thou shalt not bear false witness; I really doubt that anything true is being said anymore!!! Never mind the first four commands, which are about honouring God, because I believe we have as a nation moved far beyond giving honour to God! This is what happens when the foundations are destroyed; when you remove the founding principles that were established by those that spent days, weeks, and even months to find a way that a nation could govern itself, based upon the belief that God establishes and maintains a nation that honours Him! As for the personal foundation, it is our hope in Christ Jesus! "Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God." (John 6:68 & 69) If you have faith in any other, where will you be? This is not that difficult to figure out; and yet, there are plenty of people around us to discourage us as to put our faith in something else; be it riches, or government, or the latest craze to be successful, or even in ourselves. There will always be the "Ya buts", who will try and get us distracted from that which is our sure foundation; those that say, Okay, go ahead and trust God for future, but make sure you have enough money set aside just in case! In case of what? In case He is not really there? Is that the whole idea??? Or, is it that we are to be good stewards of all that He has given us, so therefore we invest wisely for our retirement? What then are we placing our hope in, God or riches? Besides all of this, there is the question of our righteousness, and where we would be without God's grace? If we are looking upon our own righteousness as a compass of what we are, or where we are headed, we are hopelessly lost...

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