Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Great and Powerful is He"

"Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Philippians 1:6) Before moving into Psalms Twelve, there is something that I believe must be confirmed in our hearts regarding trusting God, and how it is that we must! We must trust Him with all of our heart; which involves an action on our part to make this trust real. Now I know that there might be some who will play the 'grace card', and say that there is nothing we need to do but believe and we shall be saved; however, even belief without action has no merit! In other words; if you believe that Jesus Christ has set you free sin and death, then your life will show proof of that, in that you will desire to be made complete in Him. Coupled with this desire to be complete in Him, will be the confidence in knowing that He is God Almighty, and there is nothing that He cannot do, nor is there anything that is beyond His reach or care. This I believe is what we require to bring our faith to life: a desire to be changed, and a confidence that God is able to do all things! Just as faith without works is dead, so too, trust is established by the action of taking refuge in a God that is able to deliver, and then resting in Him for that deliverance. Oh, it might sound as though there is no action required, but to just sit and wait for God to show up; however, as with faith, trust does require us to surrender up our will, and our desire, so as to let God do what He wants to do in us, or through us. Trust is falling and believing that you will be caught; not that we should fall on purpose, but that as we are falling, which means that there is nothing within our power to correct the fall, He is able to catch us and place us upon solid ground. Trust is knowing, that though there might be a gun loaded and aimed at your head, God is able to stop that bullet, if that be His will; and if not, then it's time to go home! Because real trust in God requires us to trust that He knows what is best for us, and how best we are to be used for His kingdom. If we can understand and believe this, we can then know how and what to ask for, as we plea for help; which just so happens to be the title above Psalms Twelve: "A Plea for Help"...

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