Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Taking Refuge"

"In the LORD put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?" (Psalms 11:1) Back in the day, before man could fly, to be as a bird was something that was wished for; which is to say, If only I could fly like a bird! It is believed that David wrote this Psalm after Saul had thrown the javelin at him for the second time, after having promised that he meant David no harm. It was also at this time that many of David's closest friends had advised him to take the kingdom from Saul, seeing that he had been anointed to be the king, and that it was obvious that Saul was not stable and no longer had God's hand upon his life. David refused the council of his friends, but instead said, "I shall not go up against God's anointed"; therefore taking his refuge in God's plan and timetable. There were also those who then advised David to flee, and not to count so much on the anointing that he had received; to which David was grieved in this notion, given that he had always said, "In the Lord put I my trust". And then, there were those who no doubt mocked David, as they taunted him, saying, You say you trust in God, then flee to Him, and see what comes of that! When it comes to trusting God, sometimes we do not see how things shall come to pass; nor do we know how God will bring to pass that which we believe that He has promised, or even if the vision He has given us will unfold the way that we thought that it would, or should. I think that the term "Flee as a bird to your mountain" is a term that best resembles that of moving in our own strength or abilities; something by which it is easy to want to do, as it is the logical solution. In other words; we see a way forward, so take it; but is it the way that God would have us to go? If we really are putting our trust in God, then we must expect that God will work His plan out, without us having to figure out the way that He will get it done...

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