Monday, May 14, 2012

"Breaking Through"

"Break Thou the arm of the wicked and evil man: seek out his wickedness till Thou find none." (Psalms 10:15) Now I know what you are thinking, and how David must be talking about the enemies of God; and you very well, might be right. But; what if he were looking into the darkness that dwells within his own heart; as if to say, "See if there be any wicked way in me"; which happens to be the first part of the last verse of Psalms 139, one which is titled, 'God Can Do Anything And Knows Everything'; the other part of that verse is, "and lead me in the way everlasting". The primary reason for this to happen, is because we fail to see our own wickedness more times than not; we see our sin, and know most of the time when we are sinning; but the wickedness, that we keep hidden, even from ourselves; but God knows our hearts better than we do! Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that David is speaking about his own heart, or our own hearts: what would that look like when compared to this verse? Okay; the first part of this verse is speaking for God to "break Thou the arm of the wicked and evil man"; arm meaning strength, or that which enables him; which could mean power, as in that which gives power to the darkness that is within his heart. It's not to difficult to picture this, if you are wanting to get to the bottom of what it is that keeps causing you to stumble; because it is all about finding the root to the problem, not just rooting out the sin; for in many cases, if not all, the sin is the manifestation of a deeper problem. For example; if our sin is that of pornography, them the root of that sin could be that we lack a real reverence for God, and that we really don't believe that He can see our sinfulness. If our sin is drunkenness, then we could lack the desire to remain sober and vigilant. Either way, we fall short in our desire to please Him! The other part of this verse is more telling; for it says, "seek out the wickedness till Thou find none"; whereas, wickedness could be defined as falsehood, or fraud; of which, there is an implication of being deceived; as in thinking that either God does not see, or does not concern Himself with that which we do. If you do not know this, here is the thing which God does in those that He has chosen for His purposes: although the ministry is important, and is near to His heart, the person whom He has chosen is nearer, and although He is doing a work through them, He is also doing a greater work within them! Does that mean that God cares more about the messenger than He does the message? O, that we could see the truth that is in that...

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