Friday, May 4, 2012


"He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity." (Psalms 10:6) Have you ever had the experience of thinking you were strong and bullet proof, only to find out that you were weak and already riddled with holes? This can go back to that rich man who stored up his wealth, and then sat back thinking, Now all is well; I never need to worry again. It also can be compared to Saul, who thought that he was able to do whatever he wanted to do, because he knew best, and thought himself to be strong enough to survive the battle. Yes, Fandango is also a dance; which is a animated Spanish dance in triple time, that seems to portray a contest of who can outdo who by stomping their feet and clicking their fingers, as if stamina is more important than grace. However; it also means informal, as in unceremonious: not adhering to convention, or casual; nonsense, as in silly talk or actions, and absurdity; tomfoolery, as in foolish behavior. It is foolishness to think that we cannot be stumbled or that we cannot fall to any particular sin; though I have heard many Christians proclaim, I would never do that! They speak so boldly, as if that there is something which could never enter into their minds, and that they are far protected from; which can be related to the Pharisee, who stood up boldly, saying, I thank you God, that I am not like all these other sinners. Are we masters of our own destiny? Many there are that believe that it is so! We cannot be the master of our own destiny and still call Jesus LORD! Ask Peter, and he will tell you how there is only One who is truly Master! Jesus foretold how that all of His disciples would leave His side as soon as He was taken, but Peter, quickly responded, Lord, I will never leave you; I will even die for you! Yet, Jesus answered, Peter, I tell you, before the cock crows, you will have denied me three times. You would think that Peter would have used that knowledge as a way to strengthen his resolve, and to guard himself from denying the Lord; but we really do not know our own hearts, for the Bible says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) It is pure foolishness to believe in ourselves that we could never fall into any particular sin; especially with all that is available now that can cause us to stumble. One of the greatest threats that I have seen recently is that of pain medications, which it seems that there is almost a conspiracy behind the movement to force them upon us; this I know first hand, as I was almost forced to take them from my doctor when I broke my collarbone. She even tried to persuade me that I needed them to enhance the healing process. But, the number of Christian families that I have seen destroyed because of the use of these drugs is staggering, and is a move of the devil upon the church; let alone, all society as a whole. To say, "I shall not be moved", is to say that you are beyond reproach, or are unable to be stumbled; which is pure foolishness of the heart. And to say, "for I shall never be in adversity", is to say that you shall never be evil, or displeasing towards God; of which there is no truth, for it is pure Fandango...

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