Saturday, May 12, 2012

"The Evolving Heart"

"Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? He hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it." (Psalms 10:13) Having no doubt confused some of you, and made you wonder what I was really getting at; I thought it best to try another way to express what I believe that God was speaking into my heart. There was something that Jesus first said to those that had followed Him because they were filled, which took me a little while to think about, as I wondered about how it is that people can change so easily. It had to do with that which we put our faith in, and that which our flesh is satisfied by; in other words, at the heart of the flesh is a living organ, and it's called the heart; whose duty that it is to supply the life force into the rest of the body of flesh, and therefore, keep it alive. It pumps faster when it is excited, and slower when it is depressed; but as long as it continues to pump, life in this flesh goes on. Anyways; as those that found Jesus on the other side of the sea first saw Him, they asked Him, "Rabbi, when camest Thou hither?" In other words, they wondered how it was that He had gotten there so quickly; something that they thought was strange, because they actually thought that they would have been waiting for Him to arrive. But Jesus, knowing their hearts, and what it was that they were actually seeking after, said, "Yerily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek Me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled". Can you see what Jesus is speaking about in this statement? The miracles were the evidence of who Jesus was, and the power that He had been given from above; yet, the loaves were what satisfied their flesh, and they were looking to be satisfied. Recently there has been several items in the news which have caused me to pause for a moment and wonder how they might be connected. One was the announcement by our President that he has changed his heart on Gay Marriage, thinking now that it is okay, or right to be allowed; the other was the Circuit Judge who is wanting to strike out four of the Ten Commandments, most likely those that deal with God and giving honour to Him. There are two things that strike me about both of these matters, and that coincide with what Jesus is speaking about; notwithstanding the obvious wrong that we can see in both of these, there is something else which goes more to the heart of the matter. The miracles that Jesus did were a testimony to who He was, and of the power of God; and it is only by the power of God that our hearts can be made right! If we take God, and God's word out of the equation, then man's heart is made worse, not better; as a matter of fact, without God, the heart will evolve very quickly into a seriously wicked thing. The six of the Ten Commandments which remain, are those which speak about our actions one to another, of which we require the first four in order to achieve! Additionally, there is the satisfaction of the flesh, and what makes man feel better about themselves. Taking God's standards of right and wrong, and making them something that is our own choice, or up to what our heart feels, means that we have basically told God that we do not need His governance in our lives, and that what He says no longer matters. This is what David is speaking about here in verse Thirteen; asking, 'Why do the wicked contemn God?' is a question about the heart of the matter, and is based upon the hearts ability to move away from what God commands in His word. It does not start with direct disobedience, but with thinking in our hearts that God no longer requires such strict adherence to His commands; as if that was then, but this is now, and therefore God must change with the times, and evolve with us...    

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