Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"True Grit"

"The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his (His) land." (Psalms 10:16) 'Grit in psychology is a positive, non-cognitive trait, based upon a individual's passion for a particular goal or endstate coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve their respective objective. This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie within a gritty individual's path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realization', (or so the definition says). Hence, True Grit is the trait of such a individual which is based upon truth or is founded upon true principles; coupled together with the power of the Holy Spirit, and you should have a force to be reckoned with! Now, I don't know what you believe about the kingdom of God, or by what standard that you believe His kingdom is established; but from what I have been told, we that are born again into the kingdom of God are no longer of this world, but are merely pilgrims here, awaiting to go home and to be with the Lord. The first issue that must be settled within us is that He is LORD; no ifs ands or buts, He must be Lord of our life! In that same venue, King is established as ruler over land, peoples and armies; whereas, a King has a Kingdom over which He rules. Secondly, we must understand and accept within our heart of hearts that "of His Kingdom there shall be no end"; period!!! I know it's hard for us to see that far, therefore we can't really persuade our intellect of that reality; but that is what faith is for! Then finally, we have this very unique and challenging perspective to realize within our minds, and then to get gritty about: we are a prince in His kingdom! For you Lady's; you are a princess in His Kingdom! Therefore, His kingdom is also our kingdom, and we are overseers of that kingdom with Him, as His princes and princesses, we are duly allowed to represent Him as our King, and to be subject to His authority along with all other of His subjects. Then, we have the subject of "the heathen", as in "the heathen are perished out of his (His) land"; because, if recall, 'heathen' means the other guys; primarily, strangers to the true religion, or in simpler terms: Strangers To The Truth!!! And what happens to these strangers to the truth, is that they are "perished out of His land", or if you choose to accept it: "perished out of his land"; meaning our land, as His princes and princesses! And then we have the meaning of this word "perished", which is a word that speaks of being lost, as in to be lost in the desert, as in to flee away into the desert, as a wild beast, and there to disappear as it where, to be seen no more! It also means to reckon as lost, and to give up; much as we should give up on our foolish ways and our foolishness, and get down to the nitty gritty...

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