Monday, April 16, 2012

"Who Do You Trust?"

"And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee." (Psalms 9:10) It is not really a question of who it is that you trust, but rather Who do you trust; in other words, do you know Him who you say that you trust? We as a nation, have Trust In God printed upon our currency; but, does that mean that the nation has placed it's trust in God? What God do they follow after? When David speaks about "they that know Thy name", he is speaking about not just knowing what to call God, but knowing what God is all about; His reputation, His fame, and His glory. If you like word searches, try doing a word search on 'Power' in the Bible, and then read all the references that are listed in the New Testament alone; because that is what trusting in God is really all about, as to whether He has the power to help in times of trouble! I know, you say, He is powerful enough to do anything, and so do I; but do we really believe it with our whole hearts, or do we just hope that He will do something, and then move forward in our lives? Okay; let us look at the word "seek", as in "them that seek Thee" in this verse above. Picture a place in a meadow that is frequented by travelers, and what you should discover is a path that leads to and fro; a trampled path that shows the frequency that it is traveled; the point being of what is required to study, learn, or to know who God is, requires a well traveled path in understanding that is frequented to seek Him; not just in those times when we need Him, but through all times, and for the purpose of knowing who He is. Typically, the common thing that we do, is to wait until we are in a crises before we start seeking Him for any real direction in our lives; at which time, we find out that His desire is not what we thought it was, and that our direction was not in line with His direction. This is very important when it comes to ministry, and to stepping out into something that God has called us to do; because there will be opposition, and there will be those that will try and prevent the work that God wants to do in us, or through us. Another way that you could look at this, is that of practice; as to practice something to be well enough to do it well, or to perfect your ability in doing something. It is not a matter of making our way perfect, but that we know His ways are perfect; and the only way to gain such knowledge is by seeking out and traveling in His ways; not just in the critical times, but in all times and seasons of our lives. If we know Him, then we can trust Him in all of our circumstances; knowing that He will not forsake us; because we sought Him before the fire, during the fire, and after the fire, we know that He is more than able to continue a work in us: He wants to continue a work in us!!! That path traveled into His presence, day in and day out, has forged a relationship that is based upon frequent communication and upon examining not only who He is, but who we are in Him. Trust is something that is not just developed by putting our trust in something that will protect us, but is also by knowing we will be protected; in other words, we not only trust that God can protect us, but we trust that He will protect us because He loves us, and because we are His children! So; let me ask again: Who do you trust? And if you answer that you 'Trust in God', how well do you really know His name? Name meaning His reputation, fame and glory! And in knowing His name, how well do you know that He knows yours???

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