Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Solid Ground"

"But the LORD shall endure for ever: He hath prepared His throne for judgement." (Psalms 9:7) I wish I had a nickle for every time that I have forgotten this! There really is only One who can be counted on over and over again, for He never changes; always there with arms wide open, to say, See, I am still right here; rest in Me. This is because He is a God of New Beginnings; and the more I think about this, the more I realize how He has chosen us to start each day as a day of something new; something that anticipates Him doing a new work in us, through us, or to us! I can hardly keep up with my day as it is, how can I deal with God doing something new in my life today? Isn't that how you feel? God really does want us to rest in Him; but in order to be able to do that, we must place Him first in our lives; which means, we must prepare our hearts for Him to do a work in us, Today!!! Not tomorrow; not next Sunday, or after the next big church event; but today is the day of God's working in us! Every day is a new day in Christ; everyday that we are given another opportunity to live for Him, is another chance we have to live for Him! There are only 24 hours in a day, but there are 1,440 minutes, of which 10% should be our first fruits unto the Lord; which relate to less than 2.4 hours, or 144 minutes of devoting our time given us unto God. I know, that really seems like a lot of time; how in the world can I make another 2 hours available to God; should I sleep less; watch TV less; I surely cannot work less! To look at this from a little different direction, there are 86,400 seconds in every day, and it only takes one of them to say goodbye!!! Now, for some deeper meaning into what David is bringing forth in this verse, that is but 14 words long; the first thing that really grabbed me, is the word "endure", because at the very first reading, I assumed that which I always assume in this meaning, which is that God remains the same yesterday, today and forever; however, today God spoke to my heart about sitting!!! Yes, that's right, He sits!!! I am so busy in my crazy life, running to and fro, thinking that I am accomplishing this or that; all the while, God sits there watching me; till He stops me long enough to take the time to sit with Him! However, when He makes the time for me to stop, much of that time I waste trying to regain my time that I feel I have lost; instead I should just realize that God wants me to spend some time sitting with Him. Something that God has really spoke to me about this morning, is that we need to focus on dwelling in Him! We make all kinds of movements in our lives, as we walk out each day with the confidence that God is dwelling within us, and yet He is, if we have His Spirit within us; however, God wants us to dwell in His presence, which requires us to take the time to rest in Him! I pray we can see this clearly, because I see something that is long overdue for my own consideration, in that I make most of my life about me, myself, and I; each day I am given another chance to live for Jesus, and each day is another day that I live for myself! There is no rock like our ROCK!!!!!

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