Wednesday, April 25, 2012


"Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in Thy sight." (Psalms 9:19) Having said what was said, and the expression of my frustration, I am reminded how that we are sojourners here in this place; which basically means, that this is our temporary dwelling place. And as such, our life that we live here, is not meant to be made comfortable, because this is not our home! Therefore; we should not be surprised by misfortunes and trials, because God is looking out for our best interest; which means, that God will endeavor to correct our environment as to ensure that we do not get to comfortable in this place. Am I saying that God wants us to be frustrated? Yes, in a particular way, I believe that He does; however, it is not with Him that we should ever be frustrated, nor can we, yet some people are; but if you trust Him, then there is no way that you can be frustrated towards Him; quite the opposite, you become more frustrated with the world that keeps knocking you down! It is in this, that we are kept hoping for that which is to come, and we are not able to become satisfied with what this world has to offer. The first part of the verse, David says, "Arise, O LORD"; which taken in the context of what I believe that David is getting at, means that God be established, or confirmed; which when taken to the extreme sense of the meaning, it says that God would impose His way, or establish His way into our lives. One way that God can choose to do this, is by frustrating the ways that are not in His will for our lives; making it so that there is nowhere else we have to turn, but towards Him. This I believe can be applied to the meaning of "let not man prevail"; and there are two reasons that come to mind that make it so. The first one is simple, and has to do with the need to put all of our trust in Him; making us count on His leading in our lives, and not on our own abilities and our own power. The second reason is not so evident, and is something that involves a way of life, more that just a direction for our life; in other words, a way of life is more of something that is settled for; whereas, we settle for something other than what God would have for us, because it is easier on our lives, instead of something that causes us to reach out for God's help, and requires us to press into Him for our basic need to carry on. In other words; God never wants us to say, I got this. But rather, He wants us to always know that He has us, and that He is in control! In this same line of thinking, we can look to the final portion of this verse, that says, "let the heathen be judged in Thy sight", and examine what the word "heathen" actually means; for it speaks of more than barbarians or non-Hebrew people; but it speaks also of those who are strangers to 'The True Religion', and those that have departed away from God. Both of these types of people have something very much in common: they do not depend upon God to rule their lives! I believe that Paul summed this up best, as he wrote in Ephesians 4:17-19, saying, "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness". Because; when we are not frustrated with this way of life, we can become subjective to all that it has to offer; finding ourselves willing, and wanting, to hold unto those things that have captivated us; even to the point of departing from that which we know to be true and right...

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