Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"The Righteous Judge"

Coming to Psalms Nine, we celebrate the righteousness of God's judgement with thanksgiving; thus the title of this Psalm, if you have one shown in your Bible, is "Thanksgiving for God's Justice". This justice that David is referring to is that of God's judgement upon the affairs of men, as well as His final judgement in the hereafter. This is something that we can tend to overlook when we are facing persecution from our enemies, or in certain situations where we are being treated unfairly. Much like when Michael the archangel, while contending with the devil, and disputing with him over the body of Moses, did not bring a railing accusation against him, but simply said, the Lord rebuke you. (Jude 1:9) In other words, he had no reason to accuse Satan of anything, nor to judge him, for he knew that Satan's day would soon be coming, and that God would be the judge on the day! So to, we are to be reserved in our treatment of others, whether because they are wrongfully treating us, or because they are just wrong; we should know our place, and that it is not our place to cast judgement, but God's: Who alone is worthy to judge, and by Whom, all righteous judgement is given! Knowing this, and then actually living it out whenever we are facing such a circumstance, allows us to be at peace; peace that comes from knowing that God is in control; even in the midst of persecution, we can have this peace, that is, if we are not overstepping our ground, and are assured in our hearts that God's judgements are righteous, and He will righteously judge our cause; whether it be now, or in the final day of judgement, we will be vindicated. Basically, what I am talking about, is having joy in every situation, even during those times when we are being persecuted; however, when we take on being the judge of those that come against us, we let them rob us of that joy, by taking it upon ourselves to judge, thus creating within our own heart a vengeful spirit, from which joy is lost. The easiest way to put this, is that we are to remain humble; and in so doing, we are able to experience peace in knowing that God is in control, and joy in knowing that He is our Righteous Judge; because our joy comes from knowing our destination, not the fate of others!!! A good example of what I am talking about is found in Luke 10:1-20. Jesus had sent out seventy, two by two, and had given them power to evangelize, minister, and cast out demons in His name; and when they returned, they came to Him rejoicing on how the devils were subject to them in His name; to which Jesus replied, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven". The point that Jesus was making in this statement, is that our joy must be in knowing that our names are written in the Book of Life, not based upon the working of the ministry, nor the power that has been given us, nor even the power that Jesus has over those that come against us; but in our destination, and in knowing that we are secure in Him: this is how our joy is fulfilled, in knowing where we shall end up...

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