Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Bated Breath Too"

"Why standest Thou far off, O LORD? Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble?" (Psalms 10:1) How about we think of something good today? I love it when I know that God is going to do something special in my life; I can also feel the excitement in the air, as if He is just about to put forth His hand in something that will be life changing and far reaching. The first thing that I wanted to share about is this word "stand" that David uses in asking God, "Why standest Thou far off, O LORD?" To make a stand, one must remain in a certain position; it goes to say, that God does not move, nor does He change, but what He does do, is He waits for us. This morning I was so captivated by the thought of the 'Lost Son'; the son that squandered all of his inheritance, and then came to his senses as he found himself eating out of the pig's food. It was the son which needed to turn towards his father and come back home; yet, within that story, the father did not stand far off; but rather, when he saw the son coming from afar off, he ran to him! I think sometimes our Father in heaven has bated breath for us; not that He doesn't know what we will do, because He does; but that He is waiting for us to experience His love that He has for us. The lost son was waited upon by the father; as the father would look at across the horizon, waiting for his son to appear; knowing that the day would come, and longing for that day when his son would be able to taste the love that he felt for him. This is how I believe that God waits for us; whether we are in a state of despair, or have fallen into sin, or are in the midst of the harshest storm, God waits for us to turn to Him and count fully on His love for us. He is always there with open arms, we just need to turn! The second thing that I wanted to point out, is why God conceals Himself in times of trouble; or so David puts it in the form of the question, "Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble?" Again, I will refer to the 'Lost Son', and how it was that the father was not hidden from the son, but he was defiantly not found in the trouble! As a matter of fact, the father was to be found in the opposite direction of the trouble; which was what took place, as the son looked up from his situation, and put his gaze in the direction of his father, saying, "Even the servants in my father's house have better than this; I will go back to his house and be as one of them". Our God will not be found in our trouble; nor will we find Him by focusing on those trouble, but by looking away from that which is not of Him, and putting our gaze upon Him! That is what our Father is standing there with bated breath for us to do: to take our eyes off of this, and to gaze upon Him; turning and coming home...

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