Saturday, April 21, 2012


"The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken." (Psalms 9:15) The word karma is a word that means 'cause and effect'; and the American definition of this word, is, What goes around comes around. What that actually means is 'deeds', and implies the entire cycle of cause and effect. Karma, from the root 'Kri', to do; is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny. We can see this played out perfectly in the Book of Esther, as Haman had sought to destroy the Jews that were throughout the kingdom in which he lived. And if you know the story, the gallows which he meant to use on the Jews, primarily Mordecai, were used on himself because of his unethical behavior. The bottom line, is that God will not be mocked; for He alone shall have the last laugh! One of my favorite stories of the Old Testament is found in 1 Samuel chapter Five, in which the Philistines have taken the ark of God, and then they placed it in the temple of their god Dagon. As they arrive that next morning, they find their stone image of Dagon face down on the ground, as if it were worshipping the God of Israel; so they pick up their god, and stand it back upright, only to come back the next morning and find it prostrate again, but this time with it's head and hands broken off. And if that was not enough to convince them, God had stricken them all with hemorrhoids so that they finally said, "The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide with us: for His hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our god". So they sent the ark to Gath, and then all the men of Gath had hemorrhoids. Then they sent it to the land of Ekron, and all of them had hemorrhoids, and those that did not, ended up dead. Finally, they decide to place the ark on a cart, along with five trespass offerings, and sent it off down the road, back towards Israel. I love God's humor; He has such a way of making His point! Within this verse for today, David shows two ways that the heathen are taken by their own devices. The first is the pit, which is much like a pit that would be dug to trap a wild beast, such as a lion; a hole covered with leaves and branches, that would have bait waiting over the top of it, for the lion to fall into the hole as he goes for the bait. This also speaks of Hell, which shall be the final resting place for those that have made their way against God or His anointed. The second is a net, by which they lay a trap for others to step into, which will then spring the net that captures them; except in this case, they have in one way or another forgotten where they placed the trap, and step into it themselves. What this speaks about is how the plot of man's devices become so complex, they forget how they got there from the beginning, thus being taken by their own device; what goes around comes around! Either way that you look at this, those that plot against God or His anointed, find that which they have plotted is turned against themselves. What this should tell us, is that of God's perfect justice, in that we do not have to worry about whether or not God's justice will be just; because, those that cause hell for us, will have Hell to pay...

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