Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Alpha and Omega"

"O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!" (Psalms 8:9) The first and the last: the last verse ends as the first verse started; and for good reason, for the first verse called attention to what was being said, while the last verse summed it up! All will know without question who Jesus was and is; sadly, for many it shall be to late. Looking again at the Book of Revelation, this time in the first chapter, we see Jesus give a description unto John of who He is; as if to say, Tell them I AM hath sent you. For many who have had a chance to read this account, there is no way that anyone can deny that Jesus is the first and the last, since He declares that multiple times. Yet in verse eight, Jesus introduces Himself plainly as God Almighty, for He says, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which was, and which is to come, the Almighty". This word "Almighty" means he who has sway over all things; ruler of all; almighty: God. Without getting to far off into interpreting what this actually means, it is easy to understand that the reference is that of God; not just a god, but Thee God! And if that is not good enough to satisfy those that might doubt the power given unto Him, in verse eighteen, He says, "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death". Now why would anyone wish to question such power? Someone who has the power to not only raise Himself from the dead, but to raise us up also!!! Really; what more can you want than to be raised up unto eternal life? I am a little concerned about some that question why it is that God would have to come and die for us, seeing that it was the only way that man could be saved; for the sacrifice that needed to be given had to be perfect; and there is none perfect but God! Jesus declared this, in His own humble way, by saying onto the Young Rich Ruler that called Him good master, "Why callest me good, for there is none good, but God". It was not that Jesus denied who He was, but that He was clarifying that only God is good; and when speaking of good, He was referring to renown, or a good reputation. This is also the point to what David is declaring yet again in this last verse; as if to say, Yes indeed, You are good, O LORD our Lord! For really, what's in a name? When Moses asked, Whom shall I say that sent me? The Lord replied, "Tell them, I AM hath sent you"; in other words, The Eternal One! For the word "name" as used here, and repeated again by David, is a word that means stigma, or sign; which refers to a mark with which anyone is marked; and in the case of our Lord Jesus Christ, His markings are Life unto us...

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