Monday, April 9, 2012

"Leading The Way Too"

"For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause; Thou satest in the throne judging right." (Psalms 9:4) Regardless of how little we know or don't know about what it really means to be justified in Christ, we are given something those who do not know the Lord need: HOPE! I look at this world today, and I see something that has become worse today than yesterday, which is a hope in man's future. Everyone seems to be speaking about things getting darker instead of lighter; for this is actually what shall be in the last days, and should tell us that Jesus is returning very soon. God is still on the throne! He is still judging right!!! Therefore, we are more accountable then ever before to share the Hope that is within us!!! There is something very important that David is saying here within this verse, something that Jesus tried to tell His disciples over and over again; which sadly, we tend forget, more often that not! It has to do with a question of who we are, and for what purpose that we have been chosen! In John 15:16, Jesus speaking to His disciples, says, "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you". This thing about our "fruit should remain" has to do with our lives declaring the hope that is within us! In other words; we cannot just tell people about Jesus, we need to show people the way to Jesus; and the only way to do that, is by living out the hope within us! When Jesus spoke about making disciples of men, He was talking about living out that hope that is within us so that others would see it; the opposite of this hope looks like living for today, of which there is no hope, for these days are darkened! Okay; here is what David is saying, when he says, "For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause"; it is God who has placed him where he is; therefore, he been established in God! The word "maintained" is a word that means fashioned, or to do; to accomplish a work in us! This is not only our hope, but this is our privilege and our calling; that we who have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ should live out what it means to be sanctified in Christ. Disciples can only be made by us living out what has been performed within us! If we look at the word "right" that David uses, it means judgement or justice; which speaks about a sentence, as in a decision of judgement. What we have within us is the right to be called worthy to declare God's justice! It is that we have within us, because we have been made free from judgement by the blood of Christ; therefore, we given the liberty to express that freedom. Furthermore, the word "cause" is a word that speaks of judgement in another way, as to a dispute or plea; a cause which is judged. To which, we are going to be held accountable for how we hold the hope that is within us...

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