Friday, April 13, 2012

"Solid Ground" -2

"But the LORD shall endure for ever: He hath prepared His throne for judgement." (Psalms 9:7) I could not help thinking about the tenth of time yesterday; all day long, it was something that keep speaking to my heart, and made me realize something that I have known since the very first time I heard the parable of the talents: each and everyone of us have the same amount of time in each day that we are given! Even though we may all have different levels of wealth or talents, we have all been given sixty seconds in every minute; sixty minutes in every hour; and twenty four hours in every day that God gives us life upon this earth. Therefore, when it comes to the time that we have been given in each day, none of us can claim to have been given less than someone else; we may have been given less days or years, but never more or less time within the days or years that we have been given. With that, I will move on and speak about 'The Rock' on which we stand!!! There is no other ground on which we stand, for all other ground is sifting sand! The second part of this verse speaks about God's judgement, and how He has prepared His throne to judge the righteous and the unrighteous in complete authority. When we refer to Jesus Christ as our Rock, there are several meanings to what "The Rock" actually stand for, and several different reasons why He alone has earned the title. For us that are His chosen people, He is the Rock on which we stand; He is the Rock of our Salvation; He is the Rock that cannot be moved; He is the Rock of Living Water; He is the Rock of our security, or a hiding place. But for those that reject Him, He is the "Rock of offense"; of which He becomes the Rock of their destruction! When this verse of Psalms 9:7 speaks about "He hath prepared His throne for judgement", there is the reference to what Jesus did in going to the cross, in that God has fixed something to make judgement equal for all mankind. Much like the example given about time, all of mankind has been given the same opportunity to accept or reject Jesus Christ; there is no difference between the opportunity granted the rich or the poor; the thief or the policeman; the druggie or the priest; each and everyone of us are given the testimony of Christ in one way or another, and each and everyone of us will be judged accordingly as to how we received or rejected the testimony that we received. The other thing about the throne of judgement that God has prepared, is that His judgement shall be righteous; meaning that His judgement shall be exact and true; in other words, there really won't be any "Yes, buts" in the actual judgement that will take place. God has established His judgement to be one of pure righteousness, in that there will be no way for man to question the judgement which he shall receive; for man will stand before the throne of God's Holiness and Love; with the brightness of His power, and the expression of His Love that was given for each and everyone of us, there will be nothing to say in defence of any action or inaction; all of man's excuses will melt away in the presence of His Holiness, and in the presence of Christ Jesus, the LORD of all...

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