Sunday, April 22, 2012


"The LORD is known by the judgement which He executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah." (Psalms 9:16) A device is usually a constructed tool, or something that is made for a specific function or task; even the medals that are worn on the chest of military personnel are a device, which is to show forth valor and service to country. Most recently we have been made aware of something referred to as an IED, otherwise known as a 'Improvised Explosive Device', which is use is roadside bombings. These devices are plotted in the ground where it is known that convoys are frequently traveled, and have been the cause of many casualties in the Middle East. The word "Higgaion" which David uses at the end of this verse, is a word that means 'the sound of a harp when it is struck'; which to a harpist, is resounding music, which means impressively thorough and complete; something brought on by a device that was made for such an expression. However; this is also a word that actually means device, a plot, or a meditation; which can express what is being said within this verse. The first half of this verse is proclaiming how God is known by His executed judgements; which is a statement of fact, and something everyone should be aware of. A good example of this would be how Belshazzar should have learned something from his father's mistake, and how it was not wise to take glory away from God, and give it unto yourself or any other object; for in the same hour that he did, the finger of God wrote upon the wall, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN"; which basically meant, YOUR DONE! Having no doubt witnessed his father out in the fields eating grass with the oxen, he should have realized that giving glory to the gods of silver and gold was not profitable to one's health and security. But, when you get right down to it, how often do we forget this rule in our own lives, as we take credit for things that have happened, or we accept praise of others, as if, if it were not for our hard work and efforts, then we would not be where we are at. I can recall something in my own life, as I was praised for having achieved much from very little, and how I needed to think twice about how it was that I was blessed with such success. I have shared on this before, on how I tithed according to the goals that I had set in sales; to which, God richly blessed me with so much work, that I could hardly keep up. The word "judgement" is a word that not only means a sentence or a ruling, but it also means ordinance; which is to say, The way things shall be, or are established. If there is one thing that I have learned over the last thirty years, it is that God loves to be tested on His promises; He wants us to test Him!!! There is a very distinct difference between testing God and tempting God; for one is to step out in His direction and His leading, while the other is to step out in our own desires, and then hoping that He will provide for us. Leviticus 18:4 says, "Ye shall do My judgements, and keep Mine ordinances, to walk in therein: I AM the LORD your God". The second part of this verse is describing the fate that the wicked come to, at the work of their own hands. This is really not to hard to understand, and is somewhat like the old saying, Live by the sword, die by the sword. The problem is, that many think that their plot is different or unique, and that they have found the answer to the age old problem of being effected by their own devices. God will prove them wrong; as He has in the past; so He shall in the future! Question: Who is really in charge here? It surely isn't man..."Selah" means, meditate on this!

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