Sunday, April 15, 2012

"My Hiding Place"

"The LORD also shall be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble." (Psalms 9:9) If ever I had something that I could relate to, this would be it! First off, you must understand the deeper meaning of this word "oppressed", because it goes a little bit further than somebody who is afflicted by an outside source; it goes to the heart of our very souls, as in crushed or dejected, which means to be discouraged or depressed. Again, I would refer to Paul's writing in 2 Corinthians 4:18, where he says, "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal". It is important to remember this, because we can get so overwhelmed by those things which are seen; such is the case within my life, on a fairly consistent bases. The word "refuge" speaks about a lofty place, a rock, affording shelter and security; but it also speaks about defence, which in this context is the security or answer we have to every problem that confronts us. Much like Paul illustrates in the verse above, we have an answer to this current situation, but it is not placed in those things which are seen; it is only available in the things which are unseen, for all that is seen shall pass away, but what lays ahead is eternal. The key to finding the refuge for a soul that is crushed, is that of a lofty place; in other words, that place which awaits my soul in heaven, as well as the soul of my wife! There are some days when I get fit so hard by the harsh reality of this present affliction, that I feel I can't carry on any further; where I just want to lay down and die! Yet, I know that the enemy of my soul will use my discouragement to his advantage; causing me to eyes off the prize, and place my focus on the struggle and the things which seem devastating all around me. It is in these times that I must look to the answer and my defence; because in this world there is no answer to my affliction, and there is no defence against the depression that I feel; but only in God do I find refuge for that which causes me to shrink under the weight of this affliction. I know that some can't really understand what I am talking about, because it is something which requires experience to really grasp the meaning; but living out something that is a constant affliction, day in and day out, is something that requires a constant hiding place; a place far removed from this present anguish. It is the hope that we have in what is to come that causes us to press onward; knowing that this present condition is but a dot in the life that we have in Christ, and that our experience within this present life, whatever that might be, draws us closer to the relationship with God; a relationship that depends on Him for shelter and a place where we can take refuge from that which presses against us. It really comes down to our vision of what is real, and what is eternal; for the things that are temporal, although present and seen, have very little affect on that which is eternal and unseen; providing that we keep our focus on Jesus Christ...

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