Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Day of Reckoning"

"When He maketh inquisition for blood, He remembereth them: He forgetteth not the cry of the humble." (Psalms 9:12) We can consider ourselves to have been blessed with good fortune if we have not had to suffer physically from persecution, as have many of our brothers and sisters in lands where to be a Christian means that imprisonment and death is a very real possibility. Although, we that have such liberties, tend to fight more amongst each other, because in places where where the persecution of the church is real and prevalent, they seem to be more united and less willing to stab each other in the back. However; as with those that suffer in physical torment, we too, who are only inflicted by words, emotional suffering, or false judgements, shall also be given our day in the Son; provided we remain humble and leave vengeance in the hand of God. I for one, do not want to be accused of causing innocent blood to be spilt on my behalf; and I pray that has not already happen along the way! Okay; let's consider what it is that David is speaking about in the verse, which instantly seems to jump up from nowhere, just as we were singing praise and declaring to the people all that God has done. Let us not forget, that we who have been chosen are given something very special and is way beyond measure; meaning that there is no way to measure the worth of what we have in Christ; no way, no how! We have our security in Jesus Christ; yet those that do not know Him are lost, and they are condemned to a place that we should have been going also; yet, but for the grace of God, there go I: for we have been set free from such a fate, and have been given eternal life in Christ: Amen!!! If we look at the stoning of Stephen, in Acts chapter Seven, we can see what it means when David says, "the cry of the humble"; for Stephen cried out with his dying breath, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge". The harsh reality is about who shall actually suffer the longest, and about who's punishment is more long lasting! I would want to consider something Jesus said about the first shall be last, and the last shall be first; because I believe it has to do with an attitude of our hearts when it comes to looking forward to the day of reckoning, and who has wronged us, or who is worthy of God's forgiveness. If you know the parable that Jesus used for this, it was about the husbandman who went out to gather labourers for his fields. He promised to pay the first person that he hired a penny, and those that worked all day, worked happily for what they were promised; yet, towards the end of the day, others showed up looking for work, and he granted them the same amount, yet they only worked for a short while. When it came to the time to be paid, those that worked all day complained that those they just arrived received the same amount as them; to which the master answered, Did not I say I would pay you such, and you agreed upon that; why now are you unhappy because I have paid these others the same? I do believe that there is a very important lesson to be learned from this parable, besides that of being happy with what we have been given; because, it should also be a desire within us, that everyone should be blessed as we are. In other words, we are blessed more by blessing others, than if we curse them; even if they have wronged us in one way or another; we are blessed by blessing them! Think about the labourers who complained: Where they happier in their disgust of those that came late and received the same pay?

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