Saturday, April 14, 2012

"No Worries!"

"And He shall judge the world in righteousness, He shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness." (Psalms 9:8) When we think of God's judgment, we tend to think primarily about His judgment that will be poured out upon the world, or the judgment day when all will stand in His presence; but what about now! Right now, in my life here and now; do I believe that God is ministering judgment in my affairs? Yes, indeed He is! As a believer in a God who not only has saved me from my sins, but who also comforts me and keeps my life in the very palm of His hand, I trust God will watch over all of my life; that includes everything that I know and all that I don't know. Paul writing in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, speaks about those that sow sparingly shall reap sparingly, and how God loves a cheerful giver. This concept of giving unto God goes way beyond the giving of money, or even time; it goes to the heart of worshipping God, and how much we really believe that He is in control of anything and everything that happens to us as His child. When it comes to finances, God wants us to give with a cheerful heart, which means a heart that is prompt to do anything; meaning that our heart wants to do all that it can to please and worship the God who loves us. When it comes to trusting Him with our very lives, it becomes a matter of believing that He actually governs our life; something that we tend to walk half in and half out off. Paul speaks about "always having all sufficiency in all things", which takes into consideration, not just the things that have to pertain to ministry, but things that pertain to every day life, like food and shelter, health and security; all things mean all things that pertain to the life which He has for us to live; which is where we get into some trouble, because the life that we want to live, may not be the life that He wants us to live. We have so much stuff in our lives; we really do! And the more stuff that we have, the more time it takes to maintain that stuff, and to give our attention to those things that we have accumulated. Think about a time when you had hardly anything, and think about if you were happy or not; were you? I can remember when my wife and I did not even have a car; yet we were happy to take the bus and to walk together to the store. We place far to much value on the things that we have in our lives, and not enough value on the people that God places in our lives! When we do stand before Him, I don't think that God will be asking us about the care we gave to those things He blessed us with; but He will be asking us about those that He placed in our care...

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