Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"Ground Removed"

"O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou (Thou) hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them." (Psalms 9:6) When it comes to standing our ground, there is something we must always remember, in that, this earth is not the ground that we stand upon! Will God protect us and our homes? Absolutely, He is more than willing and able; however, if He does not, does that mean we have been forgotten? No way, and no how!!! In this verse above, you may have taken note of the (Thou) that is repeated, as in "thou hast destroyed cities". As I had studied this verse, I had summed up that this verse was solely given to the enemy, but as I started typing the verse in this page, I was frozen in my pecking, as I began to type the word "thou". I don't know where you were schooled in God's grace, but my Bible says that God's Grace is sufficient for me! Paul had written about his own affliction, of which many have speculated it to be a watery eye, or a hip problem; whatever it was, it got in the way of Paul's ministry by being a hindrance. And in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Paul speaks about how he had confronted the Lord over this infirmity, and the Lord replied, "My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness"; to which Paul accepted the infirmities and the hardships, and even the persecutions as blessing by which he could rely more profoundly upon the Lord. I love that song where the words "You give and take away" are sung over and over about three or four times, because within that understanding of what things, and even other people that are placed in our lives, are meant to be, in that they are blessings; and when those are removed from our lives, they are still blessings; even the very act of removal is a blessing! God's grace must be more important to us than all that is around us, or that He places in our lives; because His grace assures us of something far greater than anything that this world can offer us! Therefore; the "thou" in the verse above, although primarily attributed towards the enemy and his destruction; can also be attributed towards God and His destruction of not only the cities of the enemy, but the destruction of anything that hinders us from drawing closer to Him. Does that mean that a loved one that was removed was a hindrance? In no means do I mean that; however, their departure causes us to rely more upon His grace in our lives; and in so doing, we will discover other things that God is working within us or through us. Our biggest problem that we face, time and time again, is that we try and figure out what God is doing; as if we can help Him facilitate a certain plan for our lives. I am thinking that this is really not such a good idea! God does not need my help; nor do I need to draw up plans for Him to go by, as if to show Him what I think it is that He is working in my life. His ways are not my ways; because as soon as I start trying to make my ways fit into His ways, He removes the ground from under my feet, so that I fall totally into His grace!!!

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