Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"The Perfect Law"

Just when you thought that you had it all figured out, someone points you back to the cross!!! Once you see the Gift, you can't turn back! That is what I have written between the lines in my Bible after Galatians 6:14. I cannot remember when I wrote it there, but it was written in blue ink, which tells me it was probably between 1986 and 1993, because that is when I always had a Cross Pen in my Bible. "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (Galatians 6:14) Here is what I believe Paul is getting at; which is not far from that which I was getting at yesterday, but redirects it back to the cross: We are not alone! I know what your thinking: That does not seem like what Paul is saying; where do you get that from? Well; primarily, from the word 'world' that Paul uses when he says, "the world is crucified unto me", which is a complicated word 'kosmos'; a word that is as complicated as the world is. It actually reminds me of what I would refer to my friends that I would not understand, back in my BC days; I would call them Cosmos, as in, I don't understand you, or where you have come from! But this word 'kosmos' is actually speaking more about the order of things, than a particular thing; which puts it in a category of merit, that means something which is measured out in relationship with something of greater importance. Add to that, Paul's next part of this statement, "and I unto the world", and we have the perfect law of Christ, in a nutshell. What is it really all about? Sacrificial Love!!! A love that gives unto others at the expense of the giver, for the sole purpose of giving out love. Hence, we have the other part of the equation, and that is the fact that we are giving out love unto others; others, meaning those that are with us on the crazy place called the world...

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