Sunday, August 21, 2011

"His Love is Stronger"

I can understand why we must take a stand for Jesus; and I can understand why He is so full of mercy for me; but I can't quite get a grip on why I am so weak. It is not because I do not trust God, because I know in my heart that I do; and it is not because my faith is not fully placed in Jesus Christ, because I know Him as my Lord and Saviour. So what is it that makes me become so weak? I think I might have figured it out: It is all about Love!!! A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link; so then, if there is something that I have in my life which I have love for that takes away from the love that I should have for God, then that is my weakest link. Now I must set out to find what that link might be, or links, however the case may be. We can have things that we love; we can have places that we love; and we can surely have people that we love; but if anything that we love is taking from our love for the Lord, then we must root it out and get rid of it. I know, that sounds pretty legalistic; doesn't it? Like, hey man, what happen to our liberties in Christ? It's all good; they are still there; I was just talking about trying to stop from being weak; if that is something that you might be interested in; if not, then party on dude! When we are talking about taking a stand for Jesus, we must also consider everything that is contrary to Him as if it were a person speaking against Him. You would not let someone you know speak out against your Lord and Saviour, would you? Would you??? Okay, never mind that question; I have to confess, I have not confronted people in my family that have said some pretty nasty stuff about my Lord, as I just sat there blushing and wishing they would shut up. But my point that I was making is more about something that we might love which is much like that person you might know that is always putting down Jesus; we don't have to be around those people, and we should not want to associate ourselves with those things. I am so guilty of doing just that which I know to be wrong, and if anyone knows me, they will attest to my obsession for movies. I love movies, because I love the stories and plots to what is being portrayed in movies. As a kid, my thing back then was trying to figure out what my favorite band was trying to say in their songs; actually, I still do that, but with less enthusiasm. For example: I love the movie Tropic Thunder, which I have been told is wrong; but nonetheless, I still love that movie. I keep threatening to buy a video decoder so that I can clean up all my favorite movies where there are objectionable words or images, but apparently I nether have the ambition, nor the time; and all the Clean Film businesses have closed their doors, due to lack of demand and legal problems. However; this is only a minor issue in my life, and is surely not my weakest link in the chain; but as I begin to remove those links which are the weakest, then sooner or later, this might become the weakest... That's the name of that tune...

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