Monday, August 22, 2011

"His Love is Stronger" -2

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." (Galatians 2:20) Now then; since I know what it is that I must do, my next consideration, is how. Very interesting thing to consider; and if you have ever wondered that yourself, then you should know what I am talking about. Can't I just ask Jesus to remove something from my life, and be done with it? Easier said than done; because there is still a little thing called me; and until I am changed, I will continue to get in the way. This is the point to my title, in case you were wondering; His Love is Stronger has to do with being captivated in and by His Love. You see, that whole thing about the chain and the weakest link, is really no longer relevant in His Love!!! I know that I may not be able to explain this very well, but I will try and give it my best shot. It is easier to get somewhere in a car, than it is to walk there; likewise, it is easier to move closer to God in His Love, than it is to move in ours. What? Okay; it really is all about Love; and the sooner we can understand that, then the sooner we can begin to get it right. To put it another way; I would say, that the sooner we can get entangled in His Love, the sooner everything else will become irrelevant and far removed. To understand what I am talking about, you must understand that first and foremost we can do nothing outside of Christ: Jesus Christ being the expression of God's Love. For example, when Paul uses the expression 'crucified with Christ, he is talking about being surrendered to the Love that Christ demonstrated on the cross, not just the fact that his old nature was nailed upon the cross with Christ. Now we are talking about something that we can stand for!!! It was the Love of God that was demonstrated to us on the cross; which goes far beyond just the forgiveness of sin, or even the defeat of sin that Jesus accomplished. It is the expression of His Love towards us!!! And when we see this as it is, then we can see beyond the price which was paid for our sins, and can see the Love that was given for us, as sinners...

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