Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Leave No Stone Unturned"

I really love Paul's writings, because he holds nothing back. As I was trying to figure out all that I said yesterday (and it was a mouthful), I was reading the Scriptures that I closed with, and was drawn to the word 'all' between revenge and disobedience. The reason that I think that this word is important has to do with 'readiness' and the purpose of revenge. Having our mind set upon the fact that we will all be judged is a good reminder of what is to come, but it is not the motivating factor in our willingness to obey. Jesus Christ must be our Master; He, and He alone must be the reason that our heart pounds for life! In simple terms, the word 'revenge' that Paul uses here in 2 Corinthians 10:6 means to punish, which is very similar to the bringing forth of justice. The word 'all' that Paul puts between this word which means punish and the word disobedience, which actually means failing to hear or hearing amiss, has the purpose of rooting out things which we have set between us and our Lord Jesus Christ; a spiritual cleansing, if you will; however, this is one that is brought on by obedience. Interesting that the fulfillment of obedience can have such a powerful reaction to our walk in Christ, but it does! And it is at these moments that we must be ready to act upon everything that the Holy Spirit instructs us in, because this is when stuff gets dealt with!!! What stuff you might be wondering? Strongholds for starters, which are the things that are rooted deep within us, that can only be dealt with by God's Spirit working in us to root them out. In 2 Corinthians 10:3 & 4 Paul writes, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For our weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;". The word carnal in this instance means temporary or frail, as in not being based upon human power, but power that comes only from God. If I was going to put this in terms that are familiar, I would say, Strike while the iron is Hot!!!

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