Monday, August 1, 2011

"Rest Unto Our Soul"

To understand what Jesus meant about this rest that He spoke of in Matthew 11:29, we must first realize what our soul needed to find in order to be at rest. Searching for something that you do not know of can really make us very weary; it is hard enough to search for something that you know you are looking for, but not knowing what it is that you need, that can get very hard on us. The purpose for Jesus coming to die on the cross for our sins, was not just to make our sins no more, but was to bring us into fellowship with the Creator of our soul. In order for that fellowship to take place, there needed to be an appeasement for the sin that kept us separated from God. This was done, not just to bring us into fellowship with God, but it goes quite further than that; something that I cannot really explain, because it involves something that is not explainable. Okay; let's say that you had a breathing problem, and that you could not get an adequate supply of air; all of you life, there was something missing either in your system or in the air that caused you to struggle every day to breath. And every night you feared to go to sleep, knowing that you might quit breathing altogether if you stopped working hard to breath. That might seem a little extreme to think of it that way, but we are talking about a soul that has been separated from it's source of life. Now then; the fellowship that is established between the lost soul and the Father eliminates that breathing problem and the soul is able to rest; resting not only from the breathing problem, but also the fear that came with it; even the fear to go to sleep. I know, that sounds a little crazy, doesn't it? but it was the best I could come up with at the time to explain the rest that the soul needs. If you have ever had a breathing problem, then maybe you can understand what I meant; if not, then there is one more thing that might do the trick: Love!!! To be able to find a love that takes away all the pain, and that makes this soul complete; so complete, that it wants nothing more than to be loved. It is not that we have not been loved, but that we have not found love; and until we do, our soul is weary for that which it requires to give it rest. That is what fellowship with God brings to our weary soul: Love!!! Now; as far as the breathing thing that I was talking about; well, when we can breath easier, things just get so much easier in life... "For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)

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