Saturday, August 13, 2011

"The Key of Knowledge" -2

Back in His day, these lawyers in Israel were those that were experts in the Mosaic law; or at least they thought that they were. In verse 46 leading up to the one where Jesus speaks of these lawyers having taken away the key of knowledge, Jesus first declares that these same lawyers laid heavy burdens from the law on people too grievous to bare, while they themselves touch not those burdens with one of their fingers. Being an expert in the law does not mean that you have a grasp upon the motivation behind the law. I love Ray Comfort's explanation of the Law: that it is a Schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. In John chapter 5, after healing a man on the Sabbath, Jesus is confronted by the Jewish leaders for having broken the Law, and Jesus declares, "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me". This is what those lawyers were being called out for; taking all reference to Jesus out of the teachings; and then because they had chosen not to accept Him, they hindered those that might want to. Do we not also do the same when it comes to our sins? Yes, or no? What I am talking about is how we hinder those that we might be leading, our friends, our children, our spouse, from following what they might believe the Lord is instructing them in, all for the protection of the sin which we might want to hold onto. Again, this is based upon pride! Pride which in one way or another puts our personal pleasure above the growth of others, and hinders what the Lord might be doing in their lives. I believe this may be an explanation for a weakness in the church; or at the very least, the next generation of those that are coming up in the church. Because, those that are New in Christ have a better grasp on what is required of them, then do us that are seasoned. Let me give you an example: when I first came to the Lord, I attended a mid-week Bible Study at night that was given by a very nice Sargent, who would actually smoke during portions of his teachings. After service one night, another inmate and myself confronted him about his smoking, and said that we did not believe it was right for him to smoke while teaching God's Word. Fortunately he listened to the Holy Spirit, because we never saw him smoke again. I know that might sound a little trivial, but the point to what I was saying, is how we might justify sin for ourselves, while pushing it upon others. Misery loves company, is what my mother would always say...

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