Friday, August 5, 2011

"We Walk In The Spirit"

When we walk in the Spirit, that is, it is easy to obey! When we are not, well, let's just say, I think you get my point; right? If you don't get that by now, I really don't know what to say. The principle of walking by faith and not by sight, really extends more than just where we walk, but is actually the how we walk; you know that, right? For example: our life cannot be perfect in this mortal shell, because this flesh is not perfect. Simply put; our flesh is constantly getting in the way of our holiness in Christ. This much we see, and we see it time and time again. But that is the point! The Spirit we do not see; however, by faith we are made to look beyond what we see, and have the opportunity to learn how to obey. It's not that we are able to obey on our own, because given our own strength, we will fail, time and time again. That is the point that I believe Paul is making as he speaks about not doing what he wants to do, and doing what he does not want to do. Because when we are in the flesh we will not do what we want to do, and will do those things that we do not want to do; period! Oh, we might try it for a while, and think that we have mastered our walk; but let there be anything contrary to what is our normal routine, and then we will know the difference. And then there is the part about there being no condemnation to those that are in Christ; which for that to be so, requires that we are walking in the Spirit. What that means , is that when we are not walking in the Spirit, then there is room for there to be condemnation in our life, because we will have given over to the flesh; thus, we are not abiding in Christ. This is easy enough to understand, but is it easy enough to do? If we want to it is; but if we don't, it is impossible...

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